Thursday, 19 June 2014

In the Basketball Jump Shot, what are the specific Biomechanical Principles?


According to Anthony J. Blazevich (2012), biomechanics is a field of science devoted to understanding the mechanical principles in relation to biological organisms. Once the biomechanical concept has been grasped, we are able to program our body to be able to move with precision, also allowing technical errors to be refined, equipment design to be understood, and the injury rate to be heavily reduced (Applying Biomechanics to Sport, 2010). Throughout this blog, a biomechanical analysis will be given for a Jump Shot in the sport of Basketball. A jump shot is one of the many different shooting techniques that can be used during a game. A free throw and a lay-up are also commonly seen during games, however, the jump shot can become on of those techniques in a sport that makes you an immediate offensive threat (Isport Basketball, 2014). Therefore, the biomechanics of this shooting technique will be analysed to determine how to ensure that the end result is a successful goal.  

Phases of the Jump Shot Technique

There are three phases of the Jump Shot that need to be identified before any kind of biomechanical analysis can be undertaken. The preparation phase, execution phase and the follow through phase all play a vital part in guaranteeing that the result of the jump shot will be successful. 

Preparation Phase

Decisive to an effective execution, the preparation phase at the beginning of the shot needs to be performed fittingly. Balance and stability are two crucial fundamentals that need to be controlled during the preparation stage. Players will be moving in a frontward direction prior to the shot, therefore balance is an element that must be used in a dynamic sense, being the area of mechanics associated with systems subject to acceleration (Blazevich, 2012).In order for this stability to be reached, the player’s stance should be somewhat staggered, and the favoured foot should be slightly in front of the non-favoured. According to Rich Stoner from Elite Basketball Training (2010), shoulder position is also imperative, and with the combined feet and shoulder position, an “athletic stance” is created.The player’s centre of mass must also be utilised, with their mass over their base of support, their feet (Blazevich, 2012). Once these steps have been used and the player has full stability, they will be able to continue onto the next stage. See figure 1.

Figure 1: This image depicts the preparation phase, knees bent, slightly staggered feet, bent elbows (Sport NZ, 2010).

Execution Phase

Directly after the preparation phase comes the execution phase. This is the middle stage, and the stage that allows the player to jump and shoot the ball into the ring. According to the NBA, Shooting Fundamentals (2004), a vertical jump is the only way you can ensure that the player will land in their balanced position from the previous phase. It is important for the player to gain maximal height before they release the ball, preferably shooting at, or close to, the peak of the jump (Sport NZ, 2010). In any execution phase, it is evident that without muscle work, the skill may become unsuccessful; therefore, the muscles of the shoulder should be used in consistent use with the elbow and the wrist (Blazevich, 2012). The player is then lead to the final stage, the follow through stage. See figure 2.

Figure 2: This image depicts the execution phase, vertical jump, maximal height (Sport NZ, 2010).

Follow Through Phase

According to Dr. Hal Wissel (2010), a balance hand must stay on the ball until the point of release, ensuring that the arm, elbow and wrist can follow through fully extended, creating a line of motion. As we mentioned in the initial stage, the preparation phase, balance/stability and the centre of mass over the base of support will maximise the players landing. Landing is important after a jump shot as movement can be occurring around them, creating safety hazards and possibly ending in injury (Sport NZ, 2010). If a player has a staggered landing at the end of their jump shot, no doubt will it improve their balance and movement can therefore be executed quickly afterwards (Sport NZ, 2010). See figure 3.

Figure 3: This image depicts the follow through phase, staggered feet for balance, follow through of the arms elbows and hands, push motion (Sport NZ, 2010).

Biomechanics of the Jump Shot Technique

There are several biomechanical principles that will be studied throughout the rest of this blog. These principles include: 

  • Projectile motion
  • Ball rotation/spin
  • Newton's laws
  • Centre of Mass
Each of these principles plays a large roll in the making of a great jump shot.

Projectile Motion

According to Blazevich (2012), projectile motion refers to the motion of an object projected at an angle into the air. There are three aspects that are linked into the principle of projectile motion, projection speed, projection angle, and the relative height of projection (Blazevich, 2012). These characteristics will most certainly expand the rate of success and establish when the player should release the ball in a basketball jump shot. 

Projection Speed

In Blazevich’s text, Sport Biomechanics: The Basics (2012), it is stated that the distance a projectile covers, its range, is chiefly influenced by its projection speed. The text also goes on to say that the faster the projection speed, the further the object will go, this can be obvious to some, but not as much to others. 

Two projectiles can be seen when performing a jump shot, the player and the ball. As mentioned previously, it is important that the player's speed of projection will come from their vertical jump shot, however, the projection speed of the basketball will quite evidently be moving at a both vertical and horizontal motion. The higher and faster the object is released, the further the flight time, therefore the most success rate in shooting the ball (Blazevich, 2012). If the players' vertical velocity is at its maximum, then this will assist the vertical velocity of the ball, driving the basketball higher than the optimum release angle (Hay, 1994). 

Projection Angle

Once again, the projectile range is heavily affected by another important factor, the angle of projection. Blazevich (2012) has stated that projection angle can be commonly defined as “angle relative to a defined surface” (usually the ground) at which an object is projected. If a basketball were to be projected vertically in the air, the ball would, without a doubt, land straight back at the players' feet. This is why the player should be projecting the ball in a horizontal motion, and according to Blazevich (2012), at a projection angle of 45°, the object will have an equal magnitude of vertical and horizontal velocity, therefore, its range will be maximised. Research has discovered that release positions between 45° -55° will considerably increase the probability of an effective goal (Knudson, 1993). See figure 4. 

Figure 4: This image demonstrates the angle at which the basketball should be projected.

Relative Height of Projection

The relative height of projection is the vertical distance between the projection point of an object and the point at which it lands (Blazevich, 2012). During the release of the ball in the jump shot, the height of projection can be improved by the release control, determining the correct timing (Knudson, 1993). It has been found that if the basketball is released at a height lower than the basket, the projected angle will have to be superior than 45° (Knudson, 1993). The height of projection can also be amplified by the judgment and timing of release when the player comes to release the ball for their jump shot (Knudson, 1993).

Ball Rotation/spin

According to Rob Babcock from the Raptors Basketball Development program (2005), the ideal jump shot has a backspin to the ball. With this rotation, the chances of getting a vertical bounce from the ball, onto the ring, has an increased chance, potentially bouncing back into the basket. Babcock (2005) also suggests that the rotation can be created with the fingertip control and the follow through, something that was discussed during the follow through phase. If a player does not employ any form of spin on the ball, there will be any chance that the ball will hit the backboard on an angled approach, not allowing for any goal (Knudson, 1993). Knudson (1993) also indicates that prior to the shot, if the ball is held with an appropriate grip and there is a vertical alignment with the forearm and the ball, the player will more often than not be able to apply an unaffected backspin on the ball.

One final element that will ensure a strong backspin during a jump shot is that of the wrist. When a flection of the wrist occurs quickly towards the end of release, this can create a follow through momentum, creating a great ball rotation and allowing for a spin into the basket (Knudson, 1993). 

Newton's Laws

According to the American Heritage Science Dictionary (2012), Newtons Law of Motion are the three laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton concerning relations between force, motion, acceleration, mass and inertia. These laws form the basis of classical mechanics and were elemental in solidifying the concepts of force, mass and inertia. 

Newton's 1st Law

Newton’s 1st Law states that "an object will remain at rest or continue to move with constant velocity as long as the net force equals zero.” (Blazevich, 2012).

More commonly, Newton's 1st Law is also known as Newton's Law of Inertia. According to Blazevich (2012), all objects with a mass have inertia, being the tendency for an object to remain in its present state of motion. The larger the mass, the more difficult it is to change the objects state of motion (Blazevich, 2012). During the jump shot, we can understand that inertia is present. In order for the player to jump of the ground to complete their jump shot, they need to modify their inertia to an upright movement. Once the player has accelerated into the air for the jump shot, the force of gravity will be present and they will begin to descend accordingly (Jaimet, 2006). In order to alter the state of motion of the player, a focus will be changed to look at the second law. 

Newton's 2nd Law

Newton's 2nd Law states that "the acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object” (Blazevich, 2012).

When force is applied to an object, the state of motion of the object changes (Blazevich, 2012). So, when force is applied during a jump shot on the ball, the stage of acceleration is applied, therefore the ball gains momentum and heads straight towards the target, in this case, the basket (Blazevich, 2012). The force that is utilised by the player however, can affect the acceleration and motion of the basketball when it is shot.

Newton's 3rd Law

Newton's 3rd Law states that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” (Blazevich, 2012).

Newton’s 3rd law ties in closely with the 2nd law. It explains force and the equal and opposite reactions that apply. Applied force will lead to an equivalent and differing force that is related back, and throughout the jump shot, this is evident when the players’ foot applies force to the ground. Vertically speaking, the players’ force applied onto the floor will enable them to accelerate off of the ground, due to the equal and opposite reaction (Blazevich, 2012). Moving onto the ball, once again this law can relate to when a player shoots the ball. The force is pertained onto the ball prior to shooting, an equal and opposite response force then operates back into the hands, enabling the ball to project forward (Blazevich, 2012). 

Centre of Mass

“The centre of mass is a point about which the sum of torques of all point weights of a body would be zero if oriented perpendicular to the line of gravity” (Blazevich, 2012).

As mentioned earlier, in the jump shot technique, a crucial element is that of the centre of mass. It was stated by Stoner (2014) that prior to starting the jump shot, balance must be recognised by the player. This is attained with a staggered stance and a secure base of support, centre of mass exceeding the base. An unbalanced landing can create issues when it comes to the jump shot; therefore, elements have to be put in place in order to keep the centre of mass central to the players’ body without causing rotation (Blazevich, 2012). As the players will be moving before the jump shot, it is important to assess central momentum. According to Sport New Zealand (2010), when you are moving, one more factor that affects your stability, or balance, is your velocity, and the faster you are moving, the more stable you are.

How else can we use this information?

Fortunately, this information can produce important aspects that will come about in teaching the basketball jump shot. Analysis of individual techniques can become a more effective and successful task, as coaches and teachers have the biomechanical principles for the basketball jump shot clarified and supported. Technique correction in those who already have the skill may be improved with this information. Students may also have a greater chance of learning and maintaining this important shot in basketball once they understand the aspects in relation to biomechanics. 

These biomechanical aspects can most certainly be used to develop other strengths and weaknesses in a range of different sports. Hopefully, by obtaining the knowledge of the biomechanical principles, it can be turned into a ‘constraints led approach,' which is a truly constructive way to teach. Each of the principles discussed throughout this blog will suit the way that Newell's Constraints-Led Approach theory is taught, through individual, environmental and task constraints. 

Overall, the basketball jump shot is one of many shots that can be utilised throughout a game, however there are many factors that influence the way it is conducted. Each of the principles play a large part in the effectiveness of the shot, including the projectile motion, ball rotation and spin, Newton's laws and finally, the centre of mass. Each individual principle demonstrated the ways in which the play should be undertaken, however it is evident that not everyone learns in the same way, and coaches and teachers should understand this. 

Figure 5: This image demonstrates Ray Allen, an American basketballer, completing a jump shot, from the preparation to the execution, to the follow through. This image truly captures the wonders that biomechanics has on an individual sport and depicts the motions and movements throughout (Mar, 2010)


- Applying Biomechanics to Sport. (2010) (1st ed., p. 73). Retrieved from

- Blazevich, A. (2010). Sports Biomechanics The Basics: Optimising Human Performance. London: A&C Black Publishers.

- Babcock, R. (2005). Shooting Fundamentals (1st ed.). Toronto: Raptors Basketball Development. Retrieved from

- Brancazio, P. (1981). The physics of basketball. American Journals of Physics, 49, 356-365.

- Hay, J. (1994). The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall.

- Isport Basketball. (2012). The Importance of a Good Jump Shot in Basketball | Retrieved 18 June 2014, from

- Jaimet, S. (2006). The Perfect Jump Shot (1st ed., pp. 158-162). Elemental Press.

- Knudson, D. (1993, Feb). Biomechanics of the basketball jump shot - six key teaching points. JOPERD - The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 64(2), 67-77.

- Mar, R. (2010). The Seattle Times: Sonics. Retrieved 20 June 2014, from

- Newton's Laws of Motion. (2014). American Heritage Science Dictionary. Retrieved from's+laws+of+motion

- Stoner, R. (2013). Your Shoulders, Balance, and Your Jump Shot |. Elite Basketball Training. Retrieved 18 June 2014, from

- Wissel, H. (2010). Jump Shot Mechanics (1st ed.). Retrieved from

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